FedImage® Standard Retrievals Discontinuation

August 10, 2023

As part of a continued effort to streamline Federal Reserve Financial Services (FRFS) offerings, we have decided to eliminate the “Standard Retrievals” option for FedImage Retrievals, effective Sept. 15, 2023. This decision does not affect the functionality that is currently available for check image retrievals, and there will be no operational impact to you or your customers. However, it will alter the way we charge for FedImage Retrievals. All customers will be transitioned to “Subscription Retrievals” billing which provides unlimited retrievals of all check images archived with FRFS for a per item fee based on the volume of items archived each month following this change

The change from “Standard Retrievals” to “Subscription Retrievals” does not require any action on your part and will be effective Sept. 15, 2023. Customers may elect to opt-out of subscription retrievals and rely solely on “Manual FedImage Requests” (requests performed by FRFS staff) by updating the Check 21 Services Agreement. While most customers are expected to see a reduction in their monthly check image retrieval fees as a result of this change, please contact your relationship manager for further clarification on any impacts to your service fees.

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