Wholesale Application Test Request Forms

Application testing opportunities are an essential component of our services. The Federal Reserve Banks have launched improved application test request forms for the Fedwire® Funds, Fedwire Securities, and National Settlement Services. The forms provide clearer instructions, improve the accuracy and reduce the ambiguity of test requests to help meet your financial institution’s testing needs. Specifically, the test request forms are now unique for the Depository Institution Testing (DIT) and production testing environments.

DIT Application Test Request Form

The DIT Application Test Request Form is required by financial institutions and service providers to schedule testing activities in the DIT environment, Monday through Friday and select Saturdays. Your financial institution should take advantage of the DIT environment to perform contingency tests, train new staff and test any changes to your application or hardware that could impact your service connectivity.

Production Application Test Request Form

The Production Application Test Request Form is required by financial institutions and service providers to schedule testing activities in the production environment on select Saturdays. The production environment is available to accommodate testing for various scenarios, including infrastructure changes, application software changes, contingency testing and operational readiness testing prior to going live in the production environment.

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