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FedImage® Archive Services enhancements are now live

Federal Reserve Financial Services (FRFS) now offers new enhancements to the FedImage Archive Services interface accessed through the FedLine Web® Solution. These improvements were assisted by industry participants who participated in the testing window earlier this year.

Enhancements include:

  • A new viewer with improved on-screen images and more flexible capabilities to search for archived check items.
  • Immediate access to all archived images, eliminating delays in retrieving older items via email.
  • Elimination of timeframe restrictions to retrieve images via the FedImage Gateway application programming interface (API), providing access to seven years of images.
  • Ability to print or email a PDF with an image or group of images.

FRFS remains committed to ensuring timely and dependable check processing to provide full access to the financial system for all participants in the U.S. economy. We hope you find these changes helpful. If you have any questions about FedImage Archive Services, please reach out to the FRFS Support Center.